Salt and Sugar and Fat – Oh My!

salt sugar fat

Guess what? Salt and sugar and fat make food taste good! People seem to think that to eat “healthy”, they need to be eating plain Greek yogurt or steamed vegetables with no seasoning because the second they add any sugar or honey or salt or butter, they’ve ruined their diet for the day.

Go Red for your Heart this February!

heart health go red

Heart disease risk factors include: high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, a sedentary lifestyle, and blood sugar issues, like diabetes. The good news is that these factors mentioned are modifiable. You can work to change them! Here are some tips to minimize your risk for heart disease.

Minimize Binges by Fueling with Intention

Minimize Binges by Fueling with Intention

Are you so busy getting through your day that you forget to eat? Or maybe you’re so “good” during the first part of the day and end up gorging at night – leaving you feeling tired and sluggish?

Could be you’re not getting enough fuel in the first part of your day. Here are some things to be aware of so you can stop bingeing and focus on choosing foods you WANT to eat and that feel good in your body.